Reps. Estes, Carbajal Recognize National Aerospace Week
September 13, 2024
Roman Rodriguez
This week, Reps. Ron Estes (R-Kansas) and Salud Carbajal (D-California), co-chairs of the House Aerospace Caucus, recognized National Aerospace Week in the House of Representatives.
“With a footprint in every single state, including in my state of Kansas – home to the Air Capital of the World – the aerospace and defense workforce is the backbone of our economy, contributing $425 billion to the U.S. GDP last year,” said Rep. Estes in remarks submitted to the Congressional Record. “The diverse and innovative nature of the businesses that make up the A&D supply chain keeps America on the cutting edge of an ever-evolving global market. Simply put, the world wants what aerospace is innovating – we are the gold standard.” “The United States is on the cutting edge of aerospace technology because of the people who dared to do the unimaginable, just like the Wright brothers over 120 years ago,” said Rep. Carbajal in remarks submitted to the Congressional Record. “ As co-chair of the House Aerospace Caucus, I am proud to recognize our Nation's incredible aerospace industry and its workforce, our pilots, flight attendants, mechanics, engineers, and others who will help us continue to soar to new heights.” Reps. Estes and Carbajal also spoke at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Global Aerospace Summit this week. Attended by more than 1,000 industry leaders, the Summit offered a chance for Reps. Estes and Carbajal to highlight the work of the House Aerospace Caucus and how they are each advancing aerospace priorities through their committees and legislative work. You can watch Rep. Estes' remarks here and Rep. Carbajal's remarks here.
Full Congressional Record Remarks from Rep. Estes: For more than a century, American aerospace trailblazers have propelled the United States to the forefront of global innovation in critical sectors--national defense, safe and reliable transportation, sustainability, advanced manufacturing, and space exploration. National Aerospace Week recognizes the vital role that aerospace organizations and workers play in advancing our nation's security, economy, and technological leadership. The aerospace industry continues to surge to new heights. In 2023 alone, American aerospace and defense generated an astounding $955 billion in total sales across the value chain--from small mom-and-pop businesses to the largest equipment manufacturers. These businesses support more than 2.2 million highly skilled workers across the country, with nearly half of these jobs coming from the supply chain sector. And Americans want to work in aerospace and defense. Not just because the average income is 50 percent above the national average, but because they identify and connect with the industry's mission and its contributions to the United States. With a footprint in every single state, including in my state of Kansas--home to the Air Capital of the World--the aerospace and defense workforce is the backbone of our economy, contributing $425 billion to the U.S. GDP last year. The importance of aerospace and defense cannot be overstated. As a close partner with the U.S. military, the industry is a cornerstone of our national security and a critical component of our asymmetric advantage over our adversaries. It is a key tenet of our national defense strategy, equipping our courageous men and women in uniform with the most advanced and effective systems in the world to deter and, if necessary, fight and win wars. Because of the ingenuity and resilience of American innovators, our military is the best in the world. We are also the global leader in new technologies in aerospace and air transport--technologies that are highly sought-after across the globe. This includes the fastest, safest, most efficient jets; new technologies like advanced air mobility that will enable Americans to get to wherever they want to go--including, eventually, space; and sustainable innovations that will help us be good stewards of our natural resources for generations to come. The diverse and innovative nature of the businesses that make up the A&D supply chain keeps America on the cutting edge of an ever-evolving global market. Simply put, the world wants what American aerospace is innovating--we are the gold standard. As we celebrate National Aerospace Week, let us look to the future, where this industry continues to inspire and drive change that will shape the world for generations to come. Full Congressional Record Remarks from Rep. Carbajal: In honor of National Aerospace Week, I rise to recognize the vital role the aerospace industry plays in our Nation's economy, security, and technological leadership. The United States is on the cutting edge of aerospace technology because of the people who dared to do the unimaginable, just like the Wright brothers over 120 years ago. Because we dreamed big, we have flown faster than the speed of sound and put mankind on the Moon. We have made flying and space launch a normal occurrence. What used to be science fiction is now a fact of life. Aviation has become an integral part of our society and our economy. Every day in the United States alone, nearly 3 million people fly on 45,000 flights. The industry continues to grow each year. In 2023, the aerospace industry contributed $425 billion to the U.S. GDP and supported over 2.2 million jobs. It is also a key tenet of our National Defense Strategy, equipping servicemembers with the most advanced and effective systems in the world. As co-chair of the House Aerospace Caucus, I am proud to recognize our Nation's incredible aerospace industry and its workforce, our pilots, flight attendants, mechanics, engineers, and others who will help us continue to soar to new heights. |