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Supporting American Aerospace Excellence

The House Aerospace Caucus promotes the critical work of the United States aviation, defense and space industries and supports our global aerospace leadership.
A Little more

About the Caucus

Aviation is deeply engrained in American history and innovation. Our aviation and defense industries employ more than 2.1 million skilled Americans, with employees in every state.

The House Aerospace Caucus will work to maintain U.S. global aerospace leadership, highlight the critical work that organizations and employees perform, engage members and staff on challenges facing the industry, and address legislative issues impacting aerospace. The caucus is bipartisan, with members from across the country that have a vested interest in aerospace.

U.S. aerospace and defense powers the U.S. economy, generating $892 billion in combined sales in 2021, in addition to $391 billion in economic value - representing 1.7% of total nominal GDP in the U.S.

close up of jet engine turbine

Reps. Estes, Carbajal Recognize National Aerospace Week

This week, Reps. Ron Estes (R-Kansas) and Salud Carbajal (D-California), co-chairs of the House Aerospace Caucus, recogn...

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House Aerospace Caucus Celebrates Space Force Anniversary

Today, in recognition of the 4th anniversary of the establishment of the U.S. Space Force, Reps. Ron Estes (R-Kansas) an...

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Aerospace Caucus Co-chairs Estes, Carbajal Celebrate National Aviation...

In celebration of National Aviation History Month, Reps. Ron Estes (R-Kansas) and Salud Carbajal (D-California), co-chai...

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Reps. Estes, Carbajal Recognize National Aerospace Week in House

Today Reps. Ron Estes (R-Kansas) and Salud Carbajal (D-California), co-chairs of the House Aerospace Caucus, recognized ...

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Co-Chair Ron Estes

Co-Chair Ron Estes (KS-04)

Ron Estes (pronounced ESS-tiss) is a 5th generation Kansan and serves Kansas' 4th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives, which includes Wichita — the Air Capital of the World.

In Congress, Rep. Estes has been a tireless advocate for aerospace workers and organizations. He successfully thwarted a proposal for so-called "privatization" of the FAA, supporting general aviation, worked fastidiously with stakeholders, government leaders, and the Federal Aviation Administration in the wake of the grounding of the 737 MAX to define a clear process for recertification, and helped preserve Wichita as the Air Capital of the World by introducing and helping pass the Aviation Manufacturing Jobs Protection Act in the House — enacted into law in March 2021.

Co-Chair Salud Carbajal (CA-24)

Rep. Salud Carbajal proudly represents the 24th Congressional District of California. The District includes the entirety of Santa Barbara County and portions of San Luis Obispo and Ventura counties. Rep. Carbajal sits on the House Committee on Armed Services, the House Committee on Agriculture, and the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, where he serves as the Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation.

Serving on both HASC and T&I, Rep. Carbajal plays a direct role in crafting public policy related to both civilian and military aerospace. Vandenberg Space Force Base is in the district and the Congressman is committed to supporting the growing commercial space economy for California’s Central Coast.

Co-Chair Salud Carbajal
Jim Baird

Jim Baird

Jack Bergman

Jack Bergman

Don Beyer

Don Beyer

Stephanie Bice

Stephanie Bice

Julia Brownley

Julia Brownley

André Carson

André Carson

Buddy Carter

Buddy Carter

Troy Carter

Troy Carter

Steve Cohen

Steve Cohen

Jason Crow

Jason Crow

Neal Dunn

Neal Dunn

Scott Franklin

Scott Franklin

Carlos Gimenez

Carlos Gimenez

Paul Gosar

Paul Gosar

Raul Grijalva

Raul Grijalva

Nick Langworthy

Nick Langworthy

John Larson

John Larson

Frank Lucas

Frank Lucas

Stephen Lynch

Stephen Lynch

Nancy Mace

Nancy Mace

Tracey Mann

Tracey Mann

Rich McCormick

Rich McCormick

Barry Moore

Barry Moore

Joe Morelle

Joe Morelle

James Moylan

James Moylan

Greg Murphy

Greg Murphy, MD

Donald Norcross

Donald Norcross

Jay Obernolte

Jay Obernolte

Burgess Owens

Burgess Owens

Chris Pappas

Chris Pappas

Scott Peters

Scott Peters

Eric Sorensen

Eric Sorensen

Darren Soto

Darren Soto

Dina Titus

Dina Titus

Beth Van Duyne

Beth Van Duyne

Marc Veasey

Marc Veasey

Randy Weber

Randy Weber

Ryan Zinke

Ryan Zinke

Aerospace & Defense

By the Numbers

Average Labor Income per Job

More Than $106,70040% Above National Average

A&D Workforce

More Than 2.1 Million With Employees in Every U.S. State

Industry Exports

$100.4 BillionWith Exports to 205 Countries

Economic Value

$391 Billion1.7% of Total Nominal GDP in the U.S.
*All stats from 2021 unless otherwise noted. Source: Aerospace Industries Association
A Look Back

Key Dates in Aerospace History

(Photos courtesy of Library of Congress)
  1. December 17, 1903

    Wright Brothers make their first flight in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina

    black and white photo of first flight airplane
  2. June 14, 1919

    First transatlantic flight

    First transatlantic flight
  3. May 20, 1926

    President Calvin Coolidge signs the Air Commerce Act, establishing federal control over civil aviation

    Former President Coolidge sitting next to gentleman
  4. April 6, 1927

    William P. MacCracken Jr., assistant secretary of commerce for aeronautics, receives Pilot License No. 1, the first private pilot license issued by the federal government

    Pilot's identification card
  5. May 20, 1927

    Charles Lindbergh makes the first solo transatlantic non-stop solo flight

    Lindbergh standing in front of the Spirit of St. Lewis
  6. 00/00/1928

    Wichita claims the title of Air Capital of the World

    Wichita Air Capital logo with sunflower and two wings
  7. January 1, 1929

    First air traffic controller

    black and white photo of Archie W. League sitting down
  8. November 28, 1929

    First flight over the South Pole

    black and white photo of people standing near airplane
  9. May 15, 1930

    Ellen Church, a registered nurse, becomes the first stewardess and the first female crew member aboard a commercial airliner

    Church stands on airplane step welcoming a crew member holding a briefcase
  10. December 31, 1930

    First radio-controlled airport tower

    An air traffic controller at work inside tower
  11. May 21, 1932

    Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to make a solo crossing of the Atlantic by airplane

    Earhart stands near airplane wing as people cheer
  12. July 22, 1933

    Wiley Post completes first solo flight around the world in 7 days, 18 hours, and 49 minutes

    two man standing in front of airplane
  13. July 6, 1936

    Federal Air Traffic Control begins

    internal shot of first air traffic control tower
  14. September 14, 1939

    The VS-300 becomes the world's first practical helicopter

    Mr. Igor Sikorsky makes first ascent on his new helicopter
  15. 00/00/1941

    U.S. Army Air Corps forms first Black military flying unit, the Tuskegee Airmen

    black and white photo of the Tuskegee Airmen posing in front of plane
  16. October 14, 1947

    First piloted supersonic flight

    Chuck Yeager stands in front of plane with 'Glamorous Glennis' written on side
  17. September 18, 1947

    U.S. Air Force established

    Former President Truman signs document
  18. June 12, 1957

    Dwight D. Eisenhower becomes the first President to employ a helicopter while in office

    Helicopter lands on White House lawn
  19. January 31, 1958

    The U.S. successfully launches Explorer I, the first U.S. earth satellite

    black and white photo of three men raising a model
  20. July 29, 1958

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) established

    newspaper clipping entitled IKE SIGNS BILL CREATING U.S. SPACE AGENCY
  21. August 23, 1958

    The Federal Aviation Act of 1958 creates the Federal Aviation Administration

    two men watch as sign is raised onto building
  22. May 5, 1961

    Alan Shepard becomes the first American in space

    black and white photo of Alan Shephard
  23. February 20, 1962

    John Glenn Jr. pilots the first manned orbital flight in space

    black and white photo of Glenn smiling at camera
  24. 00/00/1962

    John F. Kennedy becomes the first president to fly in a jet specifically for presidential use

    jet with United States of America written on the side
  25. July 20, 1969

    Neil Armstrong becomes the first man to walk on the moon

    Armstrong on the moon next to American flag
  26. July 17, 1975

    First international docking in space

    Apollo–Soyuz crew members
  27. July 1, 1976

    Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum opens in Washington, D.C.

    black and white photo of people clapping in front of museum
  28. April 21, 1981

    The U.S. launches space shuttle Columbia on the first shuttle orbital flight

    Columbia launch
  29. June 18, 1983

    Sally Ride, Ph.D., becomes the first U.S. woman in space

    Sally Ride smiling inside spaceship
  30. 00/00/1985

    Wichita State University establishes National Institute for Aviation Research

    Front view and sign of building
  31. December 21, 2015

    First successful return and vertical landing of a first-stage rocket

    rocket launch
  32. December 20, 2019

    U.S. Space Force established

    President Trump signs document
  33. November 16, 2022

    NASA launches Artemis I, the first launch in a program hoping to return to the moon

    Artemis 1 launching in the distance