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Chairman Estes Hosts Supplier Roundtable

On March 15, Chairman Ron Estes (R-Kansas) hosted an aerospace and aviation supplier roundtable as part of the House Aerospace Caucus. More than two dozen participants shared the challenges and concerns they face that included increasing our skilled workforce, needing R&D immediate expensing, helping with IRS issues, promoting technical education, showcasing opportunities in Wichita and attracting talent to the region.
The roundtable aimed to listen to area suppliers and take their concerns back to colleagues in Washington, D.C.
Chairman Estes also addressed the upcoming FAA reauthorization, the lack of a permanent FAA administrator, his R&D expensing legislation that he plans to reintroduce this Congress and background on the newly reinstated House Aerospace Caucus.
WSU Tech served as the host location for the event, with WSU Tech President Dr. Sheree Utash providing opening remarks and an overview of their role in educating and preparing students for a technical career in the aviation manufacturing industry.