Rep. Estes Requests Vote for Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

WASHINGTON―Congressman Ron Estes (R-Kansas) addressed the U.S. House of Representatives today to request unanimous consent for the House to consider a vote on the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. For the forty-ninth time, House Democrats denied the request.

"The American people deserve to know where their Members of Congress stand on protecting innocent life and infants who have survived a botched abortion. Sadly for the forty-ninth time, Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats have refused to allow a vote on the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act," said Rep. Estes. "This legislation is needed to save lives and protect the most vulnerable in our society and I’ll continue calling on Speaker Pelosi to bring this common sense bill to a vote."

Rep. Estes Requests Vote for Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

The Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act requires health care practitioners to give the same care to an infant who has survived a botched abortion as they would to any other newborn. In April, Rep. Estes signed a discharge petition seeking to force a vote on the bill once 218 Members sign on to it. Currently, the petition has 200 signatures.
Current federal law recognizing infants born during a botched abortion does not require health care professionals to care for those babies, as the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act would. Additionally, 24 states lack protections for born-alive infants.

Rep. Estes is a cosponsor of the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which President Trump called on Congress to pass in his State of the Union Address earlier this year.

Ron Estes is a 5th generation Kansan and represents Kansas’ 4th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. He serves on the House Committee on Ways and Means.

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