Rep. Estes Votes Against Status Quo CR

Washington, November 14, 2023 | Roman Rodriguez (316-262-8992)
Rep. Ron Estes (R-Kansas) released the following statement after voting against H. R. 6363, the Further Continuing Appropriations and Other Extensions Act, that would extend spending at the record high levels of fiscal year 2023. The bill passed 336-95. 

"The two-step CR will avoid another bloated omnibus spending bill at Christmastime, but it unfortunately doesn't go far enough to address our $33.6. trillion debt and doesn't even reduce spending to previously agreed levels in the Fiscal Responsibility Act," said Rep. Estes. "2023 is a tipping point – we now borrow one out of every five dollars that we spend, and this is no time to govern through continuing resolutions. I look forward to working with Speaker Johnson to pass the remaining five appropriations bills for our current fiscal year, and then finally returning to regular order in 2024 to reduce wasteful government spending that has caused rampant inflation that is crushing Kansas families."

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