Rep. Estes Meets With State Leaders Seeking TCJA Permanence

Yesterday, Rep. Ron Estes (R-Kansas) met with state leaders from around the country, including Kansas Senate President Ty Masterson, as they voiced their support for permanently extending the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). These legislators delivered a letter, signed by more than 330 state legislators representing 42 states, to Congressional leaders, including Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-Missouri) and Rep. Estes.
"Extending the provisions of this monumental tax cut are crucial to protecting the American taxpayer, enhancing economic growth, and keeping the country competitive on a global stage," states the letter.
Rep. Estes shares this sentiment and as chair of the Ways and Means U.S. Innovation Tax Team is working to preserve, protect and improve TCJA. "Data shows the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act worked and with inflation up 19.9%, our country needs the tax and economic relief this legislation offers more than ever before," said Rep. Estes. "I’m pleased these state leaders came to our nation’s capital to make their voices heard on behalf of their constituents and I hope to hear from more Kansans about how extending TCJA would help them.
"The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act delivered results for individuals, small businesses and even the U.S. Treasury – boosting our overall economy. Nearly all Americans of every income tax bracket saw relief under TCJA and were able to keep more of their hard-earned money. Since TCJA there has not been a single U.S. corporate inversion, meaning more corporate tax revenue stays within our borders and is reinvested to support jobs and local economies. Far surpassing estimates, TCJA led to increased revenues for the U.S. Treasury." 
To ensure Americans can make known how much TCJA provisions have helped them and how adversely they’d be impacted if they lapse, as President Biden has promised, the Ways and Means Committee has set up a comment portal where stakeholders and members of the public can share information on the impact the resulting higher taxes will have on their families, businesses and communities if TCJA is not extended.
Those interested in sharing information with the Tax Teams may submit comments to Comments will be accepted through Tuesday, October 15, 2024.

How to Submit Written Comments to the Tax Teams

  • Any person(s) or organization(s) wishing to submit comments may e-mail
  • In the subject line or body of the e-mail, please indicate: “Tax Teams Comment on [name of relevant Tax Team(s)].”
  • Please attach the written submission as a Word document.
  • In the attachment or body of the e-mail, please include a contact name, address, phone number, and e-mail address.
  • For questions or technical assistance, please call (202) 225-3625.
  • NOTE: Emails that are missing contact information or that do not list relevant Tax Teams will not be accepted.

Ways and Means Republican Tax Teams

  • American Manufacturing
  • Working Families
  • American Workforce
  • Main Street
  • New Economy
  • Rural America
  • Community Development
  • Supply Chains
  • U.S. Innovation
  • Global Competitiveness

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