Rep. Estes Votes for Election Security Bill

Today, Rep. Ron Estes (R-Kansas) voted for the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which passed the House 216 to 198. While federal law makes it illegal for a non-citizen to vote in federal elections, this bill enhances the integrity of U.S. elections by requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote in federal elections and would direct states to remove non-citizens from voter rolls and give them the support to do this.
"Our elections should be free and fair and decided by Americans," said Rep. Estes. "The SAVE Act is a common sense bill that tightens voter registration laws, making it more difficult for noncitizens to vote – all the more relevant given the millions of illegal migrants who have come into the country under President Biden’s watch."
The SAVE Act would give states no-cost access to Department of Homeland Security and Social Security Administration databases to be able to cross-check their voter rolls and would empower citizens to bring civil suits against election officials that fail to uphold proof of citizenship requirements for federal elections. In this election year, this critical bill has the power to enhance election security and minimize election interference, protecting one of our most precious rights as American citizens and restoring confidence in our election system.  
More background can be found here.

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