Rep. Estes Votes to Rein in D.C. Bureaucracy, Protect Kansans

Yesterday, Rep. Ron Estes (R-Kansas) voted in favor of the 2025 Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, which contains measures to prohibit funding to list the lesser prairie-chicken under the Endangered Species Act and to defund the EPA's rule on meat and poultry producers' wastewater discharges. 
"Kansas farmers, ranchers, energy producers, and meat and poultry producers are responsible stewards of our state's vast natural resources and don't need D.C. bureaucrats standing in the way," said Rep. Estes. "We've seen federal agencies attempt to usurp Kansans' rights by listing the lesser prairie-chicken as endangered despite its stable population and adding an unnecessary burdensome regulation on small, local meat producers. Passing these measures puts us one step closer to restoring control to Kansans."
Earlier this year, Rep. Estes introduced the Banning EPA’s Encroachment on Facilities (BEEF) Act with Rep. Eric Burlison (R-Missouri) to protect small family-owned meat and poultry processors from EPA's new regulations by prohibiting the agency from finalizing, implementing or enforcing their proposed rule "Clean Water Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Meat and Poultry Products Point source category" rule. He also penned an op-ed in the High Plains Journal on the EPA's rule and the legislation.
Rep. Estes had previously introduced the Promoting Local Management of the Lesser Prairie-Chicken Act in response to the EPA's listing of the lesser prairie-chicken under the Endangered Species Act and supported a Congressional Review Act in 2023. He penned an article for the Congressional Western Caucus in May 2023.

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