Today, Rep. Ron Estes (R-Kansas) delivered remarks on the House floor in support of H. Con. Res. 14 – the budget resolution – which passed the House 217 - 215.
"Our mandate is to restore and secure our nation, both physically and financially," said Rep. Estes. "It’s critical that we pass a bill that enables us to address all of these priorities, including an extension of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. In my home state, Kansans will see an average $2,200 increase in their taxes if we don’t act now and allow the Trump tax cuts to expire."

Watch video of Rep. Estes' remarks here.
Full Remarks
Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong support of starting the process to pass one big, beautiful bill for America.
For four years, Americans suffered from an open border, crippling inflation, massive federal spending and burdensome regulations. On top of that, we’re on the verge of increased taxes for families, workers and small businesses if we fail to act. Our mandate is to restore and secure our nation, both physically and financially.
It’s critical that we pass a bill that enables us to address all of these priorities, including an extension of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. In my home state, Kansans will see an average $2,200 increase in their taxes if we don’t act now and allow the Trump tax cuts to expire.
My colleagues on the other side of the aisle have made false claims that this budget resolution will cut Social Security. As the Chairman of the Ways and Means Social Security Subcommittee, I want to emphasize in the strongest terms possible that this budget resolution does not do a single thing to cut Social Security. In fact, Social Security cannot be amended through the budget reconciliation process – the Byrd Rule prevents the consideration of any reconciliation measure in the Senate that changes the Social Security program.
I support today’s budget resolution as the next step in advancing America First policies, and with that, I yield back.