Rep. Estes Applauds EPA Announcement

Rep. Ron Estes (R-Kansas) issued a statement following Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lee Zeldin's announcement that the EPA would be reviewing the definition of Waters of the United States, or WOTUS.
"For too long, Kansas farmers and ranchers have dealt with ambiguity and uncertainty as a zealous EPA attempted to dictate every pond and puddle in our state," said Rep. Estes. "Kansans are good stewards of the resources here in the Sunflower State and don't need bureaucrats in the swamp regulating the small water reserves on their land. This WOTUS announcement will relieve the burdensome provisions from the last administration while providing clarity and flexibility for the farmers, ranchers, communities and stakeholders who are caretakers of our water resources."
In a press release, the EPA said, "The agencies will move quickly to ensure that a revised definition follows the law, reduces red-tape, cuts overall permitting costs, and lowers the cost of doing business in communities across the country while protecting the nation’s navigable waters from pollution. Given the U.S. Supreme Court’s watershed decision in Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency, it is time for EPA to finally address this issue once and for all in a way that provides American farmers, landowners, businesses, and states with clear and simplified direction."

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